Jerry Karzen is a graduate of the 1975-77 Feldenkrais San Francisco Training with Dr M. Feldenkrais. Jerry Karzen studied with Moshé Feldenkrais at the Feldenkrais® Institute in Tel-Aviv from 1976-1983. During those years he was Dr Feldenkrais’ personal traveling companion, secretary, and close friend. Dr Feldenkrais chose him to be a Trainer in 1982.

Since 1980 Jerry has been the Organizer/Educational Director for some 40 training programs in 9 countries, and has been a Visiting Trainer for numerous other programs. He is currently the Educational Director for Feldenkrais trainings in Germany, China, and in 2020, Moscow

Jerry assisted in the editing of Dr Feldenkrais’ last two books (The Elusive Obvious and The Potent Self) and directed, or himself filmed, 95% of all existing videos of Dr Feldenkrais’ private Functional Integration® lessons. At his request, Jerry organized and administered Dr Feldenkrais’ last teacher training program and was the first Executive Director of the Feldenkrais Foundation. He has also served as President of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America®.